There are two paths, which one are you on? 1. The Path of Judgments (suffering) Majority of people on the planet Earth are suffering and don’t understand why. They are confused, judge others and themselves They are angry, hate others or themselves, constantly worry about others (or the world), feel guilt or shame for being stuck in the mud (unhealthy abusive relationships, a job they hate or addictions ) and often fight with others. The truth is that we are either seeing and creating something beautiful each moment, or we destroying our self and relationships. How that happens? Most of us grew up in dysfunctional families. Our parents as our grandparents were in survival mode, they didn’t know anything better. They did their best to provide food and shelter. Many of them were playing victim-predictor dramas, not being aware of it. We as kids, absorbed the anger, worries, hate, the hurts of our parents and created and repeated the same patterns in our lives, not being consciously aware of it. If you keep attracting abusive or mean partners, or hate your parents, or struggle with money, or you are sick and tired of life, you unconsciously took the path of judgments (suffering). When you recognize yourself on this path, you ill have the choice to take a different path. 2. The Path of Awakening (true happiness) If you are like me:), who suffered so much, you are already on this path, or you are ready to look within and see the heavy baggage of repressed emotions, pain, stories from the past you carry. Yes, what you have repressed, others (often partners) express. The truth is that you attract mirrors, which usually you don’t recognize. :) The heavy pain, emotions you absorbed and repressed in your subconscious mind is like a magnet that accumulates and attracts more of the same pain. You might know that your subconscious mind is 500 000 times faster than conscious mind. What to do? Open your mind and heart and take responsibility. You and only you responsible for your health and your happiness and it doesn’t matter if you are 19 or 65 years old. :) - Stop judging, hurting, blaming, criticizing, complaining, resisting, and fighting now! - Be aware and take responsibility of emotions and emotional pain, purify your heart (There are many techniques to release emotions: EFT, sound healing …) - Be aware and erase subconscious programs/false believes which determine the path of your life - See yourself as a Soul/Spirit and connect with the Source (God-Love, Divine) - Enjoy your journey of self discovery How to do that? You can find a mentor, master who will guide you or do it by yourself. The Master- Guru is within you. Helena Prana
Be aware, readiness is the key!
To be in peace, you need to understand and be aware of a few pillars: - Where are the roots of suffering - How the mind works - Purify subconscious mind (painful memories and repressed emotions) - Understand and shift self-identification Where are the roots of suffering (illness)? It is estimated that around 85% of all physical problems have psychological roots. On a deeper level roots are usually in painful specific events in your childhood. Your negative thoughts and repressed emotions directly affect the body. These heavy emotions (sadness, fear, worry, anger, guilt, shame) in the subconscious mind becomes like a magnet. They attract more painful events and you feel the same emotions again and again. Emotions are not good or bad, heavy emotions are low frequency energy in motion. They cover up your essence: well being, power, love, joy and inner peace. What is mind? Mind is a nice tool, but you don’t have the manual. There is conscious and subconscious mind. Conscious mind is your thinking, logical mind. It’s the survival mind. Your busy (very busy) mind shows you have many repressed memories and emotions from the past in your subconscious mind. Subconscious mind is 500,000 times faster that conscious mind, so the way you feel and everything in your outer world, your work and your relationships are reflections of baggage you carry in your subconscious mind. Subconscious mind is a holder and recorder of past events. It records all memories, conditions, false believes and emotions (fear, anger, guilt, shame...) attached to the painful memories. Your repressed emotions you were not able to express, after 5, 10, 20 or 30 years become chronic physical pain or illness. Painful events in your early life when you felt hopeless, when you could not protect yourself (or others), someone abused you, or you were threatened, felt strong fear, teased, belittled or betrayed, or you did something and felt guilty, creates cycles that attract more of the same events in your life. Usually you blame others and move through your life as a victim not being aware of that. Subconscious mind is a place where the roots of all addictions and compulsions exist. The subconscious mind is in every cell in your body and the door to subconscious mind is in the heart. You can imagine this as files of painful events repressed and stored in your body. Purify the subconscious mind! 80% of inner work is to transform emotions, 20% false programs-believes #1. Quantum Self Healing, Purification (to purify: repressed emotions, painful memories and pain). #2. The Quantum Eraser (to purify: false believes, limitations, early conditioning, fears) By erasing old false believes, you will liberate your consciousness from thoughts and negative self talk. Thoughts and words are forms, and as all forms, thoughts can be permanently destroyed/erased. For more details visit: These are priceless tools for self-purification / transformation. Can you believe that in a few hours or in a few months, depending how much stuff you have repressed, you can heal yourself and be in peace and harmony with yourself, attract your beloved, create loving healthy relationships, create abundance and be an inspiration for others. Readiness is the key! Enjoy the process of self-purification. Shift your self-identification! When you were, born every cell of your body was 99.9% empty space. You were shiny bright light, love and pure consciousness. No thoughts, no emotions. You weren’t aware of your inner light and you covered it up as you grew. From that time on you started to identify yourself with the body. As you grew and you learned to judge everything around as good or bad, right or wrong, pleasurable or something to be avoided and you started to look for happiness outside yourself. Subconsciously you started to also identify with your mind. In reality you have an unique body and mind, but you are not your body or your mind (both are temporary). You are soul/spirit/light/consciousness which are permanent and eternal. You are simply expressing yourself through the body and mind. Your body is a sacred temple where you soul/spirit/light is dwelling. Accept, take a good care and love your body. Be aware, if you identify your self with body, you are not able to let go of attachments to people or things. You are affected by thoughts, like; "I hate my body", "I am stupid", "I am failure", "I must struggle", "there is never enough for me". All your problems exist, because of your self-identification with the body or mind and your story. Holding onto pain and worthlessness keeps you locked in a war with your true nature. It is the layers of the false self (your pain body) that allows you to deceive your true self. You only think and react. You stop feeling because of the inner turmoil and restlessness which you try to numb with pills, alcohol, drugs, gaming, distractions, ... Purify your subconscious mind, shift your self identity and you will realize that you are pure consciousness, which is limitless, ageless, eternal, overflowing with love, joy, peace and gratitude. This is your natural state of being. If you are ready for self healing and purification, visit: or text me at: 773-316-3005 Sending love, light and peace your way. Helena Prana ![]() The ancient cylinders of pharaohs are sacred, unique and powerful ancient Egyptian tools used to restore energy flow, release pain, expand conscious awareness, enhance psychic abilities and awaken inner gifts and soul purpose. The cylinders release and clear blockages, old emotions and negative imprints from the body, all of which create disease and discomfort. Once they are released, the body is enabled to receive and be filled with energy of divine light and love, thereby creating physical, emotional and spiritual transformation. Russian physicist Vladimir Kovtun found a manuscript, Secrets of Life and Death, in which there was a detailed description of the exact technology used in manufacturing the cylinders and their purpose: rebalancing and strengthening the energy flow. The cylinders of pharaohs use a principle similar to acupuncture and reiki to release energy blocks and harmonize and balance two basic flows of yin and yang energy, with the copper cylinders (positive charge) harnessing the power of the sun and the zinc cylinder (negative charge) harnessing the power of the Earth. When energy of the body flows freely, stress, tiredness, pain, numbness and stiffness disappear. Pharaohs and high priestesses in ancient Egypt used these cylinders to balance nervous, immune, endocrine, digestive and cardiovascular systems to improve health and physical condition and for meditation, ascension and rejuvenation. The cylinders of pharaohs are made using a proportion of the mathematical golden ratio that appears throughout nature. The golden ratio appears to be the main source code that we can apply to all intelligent divine creation. It can be applied to almost all things in our world ranging from bee honeycombs, nautilus shells, water, roses, sunflowers, snowflakes, music, architecture, art, the planets, galaxy, the microcosm and DNA. Our DNA is everything from our looks to intelligence and the ability to succeed in our particular environment, which all depends on the history of the knowledge that resides in the blood that runs through our veins. We are our DNA. The DNA molecule, the program for all life, is based on the golden section. It measures 34 angstroms long by 21 angstroms wide for each full cycle of its double helix spiral. When yin/yang energy is harmonized in the body, hands and feet feel warm, the brain is cool and saliva is abundant in the mouth. This is the healthy state where the mind is clear, the body is flexible and the immune system is strong enough to keep disease at bay. When yin/yang energy is disharmonized in the body, hands and feet feel cold, the brain overheats and the mouth is dry. The cylinders can be used for restoring health; meditation (to expand consciousness, awake inner gifts and soul purpose); and clearing energy in a room to reduce radiation. Ancient vibration healing modality has been passed down over the centuries. Healing Sound of Crystal Singing Bowls for the body, mind and soul, is one of them. As each cell gently opens, sound releases accumulated tension and restores your natural vitality, gives way to a deep state of relaxation. Benefits of the Healing Sound
Why don't we feel truly happy? Because we are so busy, we need to make a conscious effort to slow down every process and see that we create our own reality. Our journey is to know ourselves. Thinking takes us outside. Busy mind creates busy life. We need to quiet the mind, so we can access the deeper parts of ourselves and feel inner peace. Life is Divine.
We need to learn the art of deep relaxation. There are three steps to total relaxation. First, you need to relax your body, then relax your mind, then your heart. When we are free from tension, free from regrets about the past and worries about the future, we can live in the present and be joyful. Relax and purify your body, your mind and heart! Become aware of your words, of your thoughts, of your feelings and actions, and you will experience profound joy and inner peace. Relaxation brings a transformation in you! The more deeply you relax your body and mind, the more conscious and awake you are. Meditation starts by being separate from the mind, by being a witness- Osho Meditation is a state of total relaxation, not concentration, not of contemplation, but of relaxation. When one is so absolutely relaxed that there is no tension either in the body or in the mind, then suddenly there is an opening of the heart. Only in total relaxation does the heart open, it becomes a flower. Without its opening one remains unfulfilled, discontented. Love is the beginning of the journey...bliss is a state of being, received from God. The peace of God, we can have that in an instant no matter where we are or what we're doing - just by turning our attention inward. It is amazing how the sounds cascade and flow around you like waves. You can feel entering you as tingling, lightness, coolness, or heat. The sounds put everything back into balance, health and well being- making you feel happy, calm, and fully empowered. |
AuthorHelena Prana
October 2021
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