The Kingdom 0f Heaven is within you.
I AM an observer, a pure consciousness.
My intention is to hold the space, inspire and guide you to look within, to know yourself, to awaken love, joy, & peace--To guide you on the path of fulfillment, health, abundance and healthy, loving relationships.
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We will use the QUANTUM TOOLS for you to see and transform repressed emotions, unconscious patterns, and erase fears and old limited subconscious programs. You will be guided to release VICTIM/SURVIVAL consciousness, which holds you back or keeps you stuck
in the illusionary you-ego. So you realize that you are Light, pure consciousness.
Take your life to the next level of consciousness with a Quantum Therapy Session
(in-person or online)
(in-person or online)
Join us for our joyful group Quantum Healing Workshops
Healing with Crystal and Tibetan Bowls—with Helena Prana
To quiet your "monkey mind" before bed time, I highly recommend this collection of sound healing meditations, with Crystal and Tibetan bowls.
Available Now on Amazon!