There are two paths, which one are you on? 1. The Path of Judgments (suffering) Majority of people on the planet Earth are suffering and don’t understand why. They are confused, judge others and themselves They are angry, hate others or themselves, constantly worry about others (or the world), feel guilt or shame for being stuck in the mud (unhealthy abusive relationships, a job they hate or addictions ) and often fight with others. The truth is that we are either seeing and creating something beautiful each moment, or we destroying our self and relationships. How that happens? Most of us grew up in dysfunctional families. Our parents as our grandparents were in survival mode, they didn’t know anything better. They did their best to provide food and shelter. Many of them were playing victim-predictor dramas, not being aware of it. We as kids, absorbed the anger, worries, hate, the hurts of our parents and created and repeated the same patterns in our lives, not being consciously aware of it. If you keep attracting abusive or mean partners, or hate your parents, or struggle with money, or you are sick and tired of life, you unconsciously took the path of judgments (suffering). When you recognize yourself on this path, you ill have the choice to take a different path. 2. The Path of Awakening (true happiness) If you are like me:), who suffered so much, you are already on this path, or you are ready to look within and see the heavy baggage of repressed emotions, pain, stories from the past you carry. Yes, what you have repressed, others (often partners) express. The truth is that you attract mirrors, which usually you don’t recognize. :) The heavy pain, emotions you absorbed and repressed in your subconscious mind is like a magnet that accumulates and attracts more of the same pain. You might know that your subconscious mind is 500 000 times faster than conscious mind. What to do? Open your mind and heart and take responsibility. You and only you responsible for your health and your happiness and it doesn’t matter if you are 19 or 65 years old. :) - Stop judging, hurting, blaming, criticizing, complaining, resisting, and fighting now! - Be aware and take responsibility of emotions and emotional pain, purify your heart (There are many techniques to release emotions: EFT, sound healing …) - Be aware and erase subconscious programs/false believes which determine the path of your life - See yourself as a Soul/Spirit and connect with the Source (God-Love, Divine) - Enjoy your journey of self discovery How to do that? You can find a mentor, master who will guide you or do it by yourself. The Master- Guru is within you. Helena Prana
AuthorHelena Prana
October 2021
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